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Ko-Thi Founder Ferne Caulker: 1969, I had a revelation. I went to Ghana to study at the University in Lagon--[drumming begins]
Ko-Thi Founder Ferne Caulker: -- and worked with the National Dance Company of Ghana. When I realized the connection between people in Africa and people in America and that I actually was an African-American, and that I could actually help with that connection, psychically, through the dance. And I came back and started the company.
Because I feel that African-Americans in this community deserve to be able to see that, and sit in a beautiful theather and see the art that reflects them. At the same time I think that the whole community, people who are not African-American, need to see it, so that it can pull into perspective another view of who they may think African-Americans are.
If we are truly a community that is about diversity, if we are truly a community that is about respect and nurturing each other's cultures, and each other's space, if we are truly a diverse community, then a symphony and a ballet is not enough.