Sarah Aslakson
medium: painting
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Contact information
Artist resides in: Argyle, WI
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Artist statement
The most important element to me is the use of color--particularly in how color itself, rather than shading or composition, affects mood and the viewer's response. I have used the same or variations on a compositional theme repeatedly, using different colors and color combinations to achieve different moods and responses to my work.
I am also interested in nature as it appears in a "natural" environment, rather than one where plants and land formations are manipulated or designed by people. To this end, I have concentrated on wild areas that people often overlook, such as country roadsides--spaces where the plants are not planted or managed. The natural variety and selection is infinitely more interesting and dynamic than anything organized by a person.
When I look over my paintings I can see the overall themes of nature and color. I try to incorporate what I have learned along my life and painting journey into my current work. Recently, I have begun including animals of all sorts and travel remembrances.
In the future, I plan to also explore other media--oils, crafts--all the things I have not had time to pursue.
Born in Brooklyn, New York, I came to Wisconsin to attend college and graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in fine art. I began watercolor painting in earnest in the late 70s and have shown my work in exhibits and shows throughout the U.S. Currently my work can be seen in four Wisconsin galleries (in Madison, Milwaukee, Elkart Lake and Pewaukee) as well as galleries in Philadelphia; Fair Lawn, New Jersey; Naples, Florida; and Rochester, Michigan. I have won awards throughout the country and my work is owned and shown in museums and over 50 corporations, hospitals and public buildings.