Todd Allen
medium: photography
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Contact information
Artist resides in: Elroy, WI
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Artist statement
Wisconsin is an environment in which biodiversity thrives. Here there exists a multitude of micro-landscapes nested within the landscape as a whole; each crafted by light, gravity, wind, and water. Dramas in miniature play out here unseen by the world at large. Moss, lichen, mushrooms, fungus, invertebrates, insects, arachnids, and a vast array of plant life all vie with – or rely on – each other for survival. These unnoticed landscapes and their denizens can appear quite stunning when viewed through the lens of a camera. A patch of moss becomes an otherworldly forest. The edge of a fallen rain drop becomes a lake shore. A pebble becomes a boulder. A few hours can even be a lifetime.
None of the images in the Wisconsin Woodlands series are studio shots, staged, or artificially lit. These images are the result of many miles of woodland hiking, mosquito bites, brier scratches, rainy days, natural light, and sunburn. These scenes were discovered, recorded, and left exactly as they are.
Todd Allen is a lifelong Wisconsin resident and Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design graduate that lives and works in one of the most unique geographic regions in Wisconsin. Positioned between the deep forested valleys of the Driftless Area and the towering sandstone bluffs that dot what was once Glacial Lake Wisconsin, Todd's work explores the often overlooked natural details that make up the region.