Leslee Nelson
medium: textiles
wisconsin arts board artist fellowship award winner, 2000
Click on the image to see the full version.
![]() Guardian Angels Textiles |
![]() Nora's Yo-Yo Quilt Textiles |
![]() Sentinels Textiles |
![]() My Dancing Demons Textiles |
![]() My Dancing Demons (detail) Textiles |
Contact information
610 Langdon St.
Madison, WI 53703
Phone Number: 608-263-7814
Email Address: lnelson@dcs.wisc.edu
Fax number: 608-262-1694
Web site: labweb.education.wisc.edu/nelson/nelsonart/
Artist statement
I reassemble unfinished quilt tops and textiles from other lands. For me this is significant rescue work, recovering and reclaiming abandoned pieces created by women long ago. I am bringing their long hidden work out for all to see. People generously donate the fabrics and quilts they can't use. I honor the makers with beaded embellishments.
In the center are yo-yos Nora Werner stitched, but didn't put together. Surrounding them are the anonymous quilt tops probably made by Midwestern women.
When I went to Bali I discovered the importance of acknowledging our demons, so they don't surprise us with problems. My children had a storybook about the annoying behavior of a mischievous monkey. The elephant never complained because the monkey was teaching him patience! I'm still learning what my demons have to teach me.
Before I had my two daughters I had three miscarriages. I've always envisioned them as Guardian Angels looking out for our family. Here they look out for everyone. The center is an embroidery from Mexico.
In Bali there are grotesque figures at the sides of bridges and doorways. They are the guardians warning you to be careful when crossing the bridge. At the temple doorway they let in only good and keep evil out. These rats were purses I brought my daughters from Bali. They took off the little dresses they wore and used them for their dolls. I reclaimed the rats for this piece.
Leslee Nelson (professor, Departments of Art and Liberal Studies & the Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison) teaches classes on women artists, spirituality, textiles and professional practices. She is the director of Wisconsin Regional Art Program. She is a founding member of STARTS- Social Transformation through the ARTS. She believes that creativity is inherent in each individual and encourages all to find their art form.
Professor Nelson exhibits her installations and quilts throughout the USA, Europe and Asia. Most recently in Kerala, India, she lectured at the Fine Arts College. Her exhibit Indian Dream Quilts was shown on television, the official state web site, the national and local newspapers. She returned from India with 50 saris which will become material for her art-making in the future.
Blessed with a wonderful family her husband Craig Werner and two daughters frequently inspire her art-work. Riah and Kaylee each have working space in her studio.