Heather Highland Dancers
Scottish Highland dance is one of the oldest forms of Celtic dancing, originating as folk art about 800 years ago and developing into a rigorous...
Hedzole Dance Troupe
This African dance troupe performs authentic African dances at schools, neighborhood centers and other community sites. It also offers classes in African dance movement. (Excerpted...
Hephaestus Foundry and Forge
Hephaestus Foundry and Forge, located at the Barn, Gills Rock, Door County, provides bronze pours for artists and an opportunity for the public to observe...
Her Own Words
Founded in 1986, Her Own Words produces and distributes short videotapes on women's history and women in Wisconsin and Dane County. Most Her Own Words...
Heritage Military Music Foundation
HMMF manages financial and administrative affairs for the 1st Brigade Band. Acquires and maintains antique musical instruments, manuscript music and research material pertaining to the...
Historic Madison, Inc.
Historic Madison, Inc., is Madison's historical society, promoting the preservation, dissemination, and appreciation of knowledge about Madison's rich past. While we have no museum or...
Historic Milwaukee, Inc.
Historic Milwaukee, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing awareness of and commitment to Milwaukee’s history, architecture and the preservation of our built environment through...
Holmen Community Theatre, Inc.
Once each year, during the summer, Holmen Community Theatre, Inc sponsors a production. Members of area communities are invited to audition in late May for...
Howard Academy for the Metal Arts
Practical, professional jewelry and goldsmithing techniques are the main thrust of our curriculum. The approach is hands-on, low-cost and low-tech. Students are exposed to other...
Hula Ho'oli (Dance for Joy)
Hula Ho'oli performs dances from Polynesia, concentrating on traditional and modern dance from Hawaii. Programs may include explanations of the cultural background of the dance,...
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